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Full History

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Full History Empty Full History

Post  DrDoomsday Wed Oct 21, 2009 4:46 am

I finished the FULL history. Not Flames lazy edit. Still needs to be polished.

Long ago in a distant land, the Black Warriors came together. Founded by WARRIORCHIEF for the purpose to become the most successful and fearsome clan sherwood has ever laid eyes upon.

The early years were a time of glory as BW were a plenty and all were feared by them in the beginning. But trouble was brewing on the horizon and shortly there after BW would be thrown into chaos with an uncertain future.

With countless wars with AOD and DH, BW started to fall into ruins and members got disgruntled at the leader. In this chaotic period (SGT)JIMMY-BW and (COP)ANDY-BW being brothers in arms abandoned BW to form their own alliance of clans.JIMMY changed his name to the now DARK-LORD and created RW(Red Warriors) and ANDY created TK(Temper Knights). What was to follow was going to shape the BW you know today.

With about half of BW joining RW and a few joining TK, BW was in serious problems. Left with only a few loyal members to guide the clan and recruitment restricted to one server, and RW tarnishing the reputation of BW across sherwood, the chance to build up forces was tight and confined. As time rolled on BW was still at a stand still, with low numbers and daily raids from RW and TK, and later on DH joining in the "Lets destroy BW once and for all" band wagon. The future was bleak.. pitch black in fact.

In these days, when BW was hated by a lot of people, or just disliked by a lot of people, BW became a target to raid for every clan. BW had a few allies, BW was even in some kind of 'coalition'. Though the Coalition was very weak.

BW became allies with The Night Lords. In Bigsteels view, NL was a threat for the premature Horde. So Exile had to finish them off.

() raided NL a lot... every day, hours long.... huge numbers on both sides, (in the days when there was no room cap) but, after weeks, NL became weaker... Bigsteel noticed this, but needed a last war to destroy NL.

He asked WarriorChief to help the horde. WarriorChief said yes, and betrayed NL.

BW and () went to room 5 emerald server (NL base) to raid us. It was a huge war. Lots of clans were there, hackers who just made everyone lag out... WOA members, everyone you could imagine. Even a later BW Chief, Fudd.

The fighting went on for 11 hours in total.


In time a couple new people would join and help BW regain some ground.. such as SeBBeR, and SAMÆL, but to name a couple. At this point the clan was in a very weird stage. WARRIORCHIEF came on once in a while to throw out a couple orders and get up to date, while (CPT)RICO-BW (CPT)JESSICA-BW, (COP)MEMNON-BW, (BG)Dragon-BW and (SGT)ASHLEY-BW were about the only regular faces from BW old. New recruits came stayed for a day and were never heard from again. All the while this is going on DH TK and RW continued to build forces.

About a month had passed and BW was starting to pick up again. Regular faces and new ones appearing everyday. So BEGINS FULL SCALE WAR. BW feeling confident in their clan once again took on the might of evil (DH, RW and TK) in an effort to rise to the top once again. With RDS(Royal Dutch Soldiers), TOE and bWo by their side, it was as they say.. ON. Many wars and raids then followed. BW would be raided and would call for allies.. RW would get raided by BW and they would call for allies, and it always ended up with about 6 or 7 clans in one room battling it out in a room of about 40 people (before there was 25 per room). For weeks on end this continued every single day. Usually resulting in an unresolved battle.

As time passed BW was thrown into the dark pit yet again and for some time the only 2 active members were RICO and SAMAEL. Refusing to give in to joining other clans or saying goodbye to BW they got to work on recruiting endlessly. As the game had been divided into two different servers by this time, BW kept base at 90 Emerald. This meant BW was able to recruit a little easier seeing as RW and TK had gone to Ruby server. For about a month solid RICO and SAMAEL recruited every given day when ever they were online, in any room that had people. Eventually they managed to get BW up to about 15 to 20 regular faces when all of a sudden the old "Loyal" members seemed to start appearing and coming back on a regular basis, even the leader who was almost replaced by RICO at the time.


So for the third time BW managed to pull itself out of the darkness in which it had been evicted to and started on a war path once again. Re igniting their alliance with RDS, it was time to take the fight to RW and DH no end. War after war both sides continued to fight what seemed to be day and night seven days a week. Winning some and losing some, yes.. BW were back.

Deciding to take a different approach BW decided to start spying on DH as there were already plenty of people spying on RW. This being a time of when website were kept secret and most clan information was on their website, he decided to join the ranks of DH and earn their trust. After about a week SAMAEL (under the name METALLICA) managed to get a lot of info including their website which was reported to RICO. So having a slight upper hand in knowing what DH were going to do and when really came in useful when raiding. So obviously the wars continued on and on.

After a couple months of all that DH went into serious decline. With rumors of HADES leaving sherwood things were going good for BW. RW hadn't been attacking in a while and it was fairly peaceful. Then a new recruit in DH called T-DOG who BW. Yes DH was indeed dying, one enemy laid to rest at long last. T-DOG continued the hatred of BW bad mouthing everyone and just being loud and irritating, so the only natural thing for BW to do was kill him on site and laugh at him. Little did BW know though, T-DOG would become one of the greatest thorns in their side to date.

Not long after the fall of DH there was a new clan in Sherwood () a.k.a. THE FAKE NOOB CLAN. Originally their whole point was to look like a noob, go to room one and own people. But the monster grew. T-DOG now using the name ) and GONZOLO who was (, decided once they had built up enough forces it was time to take everyone out, and they almost accomplished it, they raided every clan they could thing of simultaneously, and was winning. With BW still being a fair force on Sherwood managed to hold ground quite well, but it was by no means perfect. But from the ashes of DH a bigger enemy was at large. RW seizing the opportunity started to raid BW when () was not around, so BW was in dire straights once again, fighting off two big clans, it was only a matter of time before BW became only a hand full of people again.

With being low in numbers, but not near death BW kept holding people back.. Then a new face and new clan came on the scene once again. KO lead by BIGSTEEL, apparently a legend of old Sherwood many followed him in his path, but there was a catch. You had to better or equal him in combat or someone he chose to be able to recruit. This was to be the first elite class of clans that had hit Sherwood dungeon, with a totally new recruitment method. You had to know how to fight to join, and fight well. Naturally not wanting to feel left out, BIGSTEEL decided to hate BW seeing as everyone else did at the time. () were attacking us still and being lead by EXILE (formerly known as ) and T_DOG) so the horde composed mainly of RW, () and KO, all with good fighters and superior numbers. The heat was on.

BW just biding time and knowing that 3 big egos never agree just laid in wait and held people off. True to form DARK-LORD and EXILE came to a clash. So RW stepped out of the horde, and allied BW. WHAT? yes, the biggest enemy to that date had allied BW in the heat of the moment, and were 100% ANTI-HORDE. So now there was an even greater war brewing, one that would shape Sherwood forever.

It all came down to one massive showdown. BW and RW against the mighty KO and (), Probably the longest single battle that Sherwood has ever seen. We are talking hours of straight up fighting and abuse to each side of the fold. Not one side letting up for any moment. One man went down, and he was right back in the fight, on both sides. BW would bring allies.. So the horde would bring in allies. Both sides hitting a brick wall with a wet sponge for the duration of the war. This battle (like it or not, agree or disagree) is what shaped Sherwood clan warfare to what it is today. This war set the standards. Unfortunately, this colossal clash of titans ended in a stalemate and no clear winner was ever decided. Both sides claiming victory of course.

Disaster strikes.. Taken by surprise and caught off guard.BW gets dominated by KO who totally occupied the BW base room 92 emerald forcing BW to retreat to pastures new. room 90 sapphire. Shortly after this disaster the inevitable decline of BW once again strikes with vengeance. and some of the loyalist of members would disappear. With so many people leaving and tensions running high. A chief gone A.W.O.L. things turned from bad to worse. BW in there desperation took to recruiting anyone and everyone, ending up with some bad eggs in the group who spread more discord that any enemy could possibly achieve. Also SAMAEL had enough of BW and decided enough was enough and quit the clan in a rampage and deleted the website leaving the clan with virtually no communication, causing the clan to virtually almost die off afterwards. INTEGRITY was stuck with the responsibility of leading a clan in the absence of Warriorchief.

Here following is a passage from Samuel’s original record, before tampered with;

“Shortly after everything that followed, the mighty Chief and Founder of BW decided to hang up his war hammers and helmet. The time has come for him to pass on the torch to some young blood. Who? It was decided amongst’ the council and high ranks that the logical choice should be Integrity. He was to become the Chief of the oldest living clan on Sherwood, quite a responsibility. Not a lot happened during this tranquil time to be honest… BW tried allying anyone and everyone, and eventually, Integrity started coming on less and less, which prompted wishes for a new leader, (and) after many disputes and Integrity not wanting to let go of leadership, Laggin took the task in hand.”

And then History went blank. This is where I come in, to record the history that continued. Below starts the second record.*


With Laggin as the new Chief, BW’s numbers inflated, and the no-one on the GB could help but crack a smile. Integrity was gone, impeached and disappeared in anger, labeling himself as a martyr. This didn’t just happen quickly, and he was simply impeached. It was five times as worse and long as others give credit too. This is a full statement from Samuel that pretty much sums up what actually happened.

From what i gather integrity is still really upset about being kicked out as leader. It started when about 70% of BW wanted him to step down from leader back to chancellor because he was good at being a chancellor. But of course things couldn't go that easily with integ, he demanded from the council a list. Who would replace him and why that person would make a better leader than him. Well I didn't really want to be leader, so I offered me and laggin co lead, joint at the hip as to say. Laggin didn't want it though, so I had to accept the votes on my own.
Well integ demanded from me a reason why I would make a better leader than him, so I listed several reason, such as i would be more active, decide on important issues alot quicker than he did, plus a few other things that i forget now. Then came the stunner, the quiet integrity who was always so used to seeing reason, started to analyse absolutely everything that we said on the council book, and generally being immature about it all. He was offered (-C-) a couple times which he pretty much just ignored the offer and kept on about "I want to make sure that who ever is going to lead MY clan will be capable.) That in itself pissed me off because it isn't his clan, i'm sure you've heard me say this before, BW IS ABOUT ALL THE BW'S, not 1 person, not 1 leader. You can see what happened for yourself on it goes to about page 10. Obviously you can see i have nothing to hide at all by showing you this, and i know integrity will probably send you an email too, i doubt you would be asking for only my opinion.
After about a week or so of this circus i decided, fine i will step down and step out (wasn't to keen on rejoining BW in the first place with integ leading), and that was that for me. Naturally integ got forced out and didn't have a leg to stand on, and also burnt down any bridges of ever being apart of bw again by being a true as*hole about the whole ordeal. Laggin took over as leader, and offered me to take back the chancellor rank. Seeing as I said I was out because of integ being leader, it seemed fine for me to return.
After a month or so, integ was still maintaining the old website, and he couldn't keep his nose out of BW affairs posting on the council book and high ranks, and generally trying to shoot down anything we achieved, so it wasn't long before him and laggin came head to head. Which resulted with integ and laggin pretty much going off the reservation, during this time i was planning a new website. When integ was informed that laggin would really no longer need his serves, he closed down everything. Closed the main guestbook and closed the council book, luckily I had just made a new council book, so that was alright, but the fact that BW as a clan had no real way to communicate was a disaster. So I rushed the site to where I had at least a menu and a guestbook set up.
Now i am not sure if integ is pissed about being ousted as leader or that he was just no longer needed in anyway shape or form, i am not sure to be honest. But since then he has been exceptionally bitter towards everyone, and he has even let certain people know that he wanted to take back leadership of BW. This is the guy that i recruited, and got his main start in BW because of me. Oh well, sh*t happens on a daily basis, and it is usually alot thicker than something like that. But i promise you one thing; jealousy is playing a paramount part in his effort to do whatever he is doing. I don't know what he thinks he can achieve by insulting my website, even though a trained monkey would point to mine and give it the oo ah ah of approval over his.
I know he thinks i am the spearhead of his overthrow, but i seriously was not. I simply agreed as most people did that he just wasn't cut out to be a leader, he came on 3 times in a row claiming, "see? i am online alot" then he was gone for another week. I don't like telling you these things for all to read, because i am not about b*tch slapping people in public. In this instance though you are more than welcome to post this on your site, because i actually think people (who genuinely care) should see what their "friend" or "Little Genius" really is. He is a keniving and calculating little boy who will never be able to cut the BW umbilical chord. He feeds on being talked about like it empowers him in some way or another, well I think i have spoken enough about him on this short essay to last him to puberty, so I think he should accept "defeat" if that's what you want to call it, back his bag of sorrows and remorse and just live his own life, without trying to live it through someone else's.
Not to go on and on, but his opinion about Lloyd are amusing, because he didn't even know anything about it till someone tried to post on his old guestbook... judge for yourself how unfounded his opinions on that subject are by seeing for yourself, and the thing with sub being a hard worker is a joke and some kind of attempt to disagree with everything at every curve, even sub would openly admit that he didn't do alot in BW.
Hope this clears things up a bit. Obviously this is from my point of view, and there will be things on both those books that make me look an ass as much as integ, as i said, i have nothing to hide, and couldn't really care less what the majority think about me. This is the truth, AS I SEE IT.

Laggin’s reign marked the Second Generation, which brought many interesting twists in Sherwood’s history as a whole. Pardon me for getting off the subject, but I would like BW to understand the importance of keeping records, a mistake Storm, a later Chief, made.

In the wake of this new activity, KO, a main enemy of BW, began to spiral downward. This actually was a very common thing amongst’ the clans on all three servers from what I remember before I joined BW, called the ‘Triangle Depression’ to a rare few that can remember.

At that point, it is true, not much happened, and if anything did, I wasn’t there and cannot find resources in which would enable me to record it.

We pick up when a slightly newish/oldish (I don’t know for certain, somewhere in between) clan began its slightly memorable war (amongst’ all the other 20 or so clans) against BW. This was BA, the Blue Angels, lead by Apollo. Apollo and the Blue Angels are counted among the most difficult clans we have fought up to this date.

Apollo was a bit odd. Kind to friends, quick to argue, lied about his “raids of Pwnage” and pissed most of Sherwood off, but in the end, was forgiven. Apollo’s tactic was new, fresh, effective… and unfair. They would come raiding in huge numbers, strike quick, and as soon as it looked like things were on their side, he would call off the raid as a victory. This became a common thing.

After BA started raiding, GW jumped into the fray. Not surprisingly, considering BW had seen this thousand’s of times, BW did not decrease in numbers. Instead, they jumped onto Sherwood with a vengeance, a trait unseen in years among the Clan. Slowly, however, new war took its toll on the members, psychologically.

In the late summer of that year, a new clan sought for a powerful ally to help get them “Planted” in Sherwood. This was CTK, lead by Iron Maiden, a slightly popular figure on Sherwood. They found BW, a perfect host for this small infant Clan.

Like BA, they brought a new tactic to Sherwood not used since the Horde Catastrophe, (the BW and RW vs. The Horde and KO war) which was named in a mocking tone; “Newbie Swarming.”

Into September, Ash, a BW colonel at that point, began her updating the famed BW BUGLE, the first and best news site BW ever had, which brought a sweep of freshness into BW. Raiding continued.


September 2, 2007, and October 11, 2007. The dates in which two little, annoying, energetic, and immature Privates joined, which were Grimey and Doomsday, (Now DrDoomsday) in that respective order. (This spot in history is being used as I cannot find another during that period of time to record what had occurred, in terms of accuracy.)

October of that year was also known as the Halloween Capital Massacre because of a war that occurred on Halloween which comprised of room 1 becoming a playground of war for heavy amounts of Clans, literally taking turns raiding. BA became active during this month, and sported some new website updates. Raiding continued, but also degraded into just an activity. Raiding wasn’t about rivals… it was just a fun thing to do. This was the year the Pumpkin Head was introduced.

October passed into November, in which another now well known BW joined, which was Raider. Raiding slowed at this point. But, in all times of quietness… there lurks a threat. And that lurking threat was named GOW. GOW, Gods Of War, was founded by an elderly player, named Rambo.

At that point, BW was using Integrities’ website. However, with Integrity gone, he eventually hauled his website with him, and a new website was needed. And so, Samuel, whether by council decision or choice, he created WBLEAMAS, date is unknown.

With Integrity went his website, which he locked. A rare few have the ability to enter this site, which is chalk full of history and artifacts about BW.

Samuel, a natural HTML genius, created what is now up to date the greatest site BW has made, a title that is yet to be broken.

At the eighteenth day of November, BA halted their raiding. Caesar and Apollo talked and went to Laggin, who was currently under attack, and that combined with the pressure of constant asking, BA and BW allied. Minutes later, CTK attacked. This was the first act of treachery from CTK against BW. This was crushed, easily. The next day, BW allied SGW. DOW popped in, and SGW proved their worth by helping us out. The twentieth day was the day Lloyd was banished from BW for trying to make a civil war. The council, disgusted for not only his wanting BW to ally UA to start with, and then also trying to overthrow the current leadership and council. The council warned anyone whom supported Lloyd wasn’t a BW, and that they would easily deal with it.

The last month of the year was the month that KOSR made its memorable, final stand against bWo, resulting in a win for KOSR. Because of this, their job seemed done; they vanished from Sherwood, leaving only one behind, which was Paladin-Sir-Meed. So ended the oldest living clan on Sherwood, leaving BW thee oldest living Clan on Sherwood.


Following KOSR’s final crumble, BW was left the eldest Clan of them all.

On the very first day of the New Year, BW was breathing a sigh of relief when Lloyd’s rebellion failed, which literally lasted a day, because another betrayal occurred. SubZero started his own rebellion. After being demoted, he quit BW, in an immature fit, wanting revenge. His first move was too rally BW’s enemies against them. This annoyed a lot of other clans, to the point they all wanted WFH dead. Subzero’s plan was simple:

Attack and destroy UA.

Attack and destroy GW.

Clone GW and attack BW.

This was wishful thinking, although BW doubted it would come close to working. WFH raided, won some, lost most, and dragged its feet in its futile attempts to destroy BW.

Grimey, an expert at recruiting at that point had moved up the ranks like wildfire. So much so, that in February, he was given the task of being the EO, the Emerald Overseer. Flame was declared RO, the Ruby Overseer.

Dragon and Creed helped Ash rebuild the Bugle (again) and joined its staff. The Emerald Branch and the Ruby Branch grew under the great leadership, but secretly held grudges against each other.

During the next few months, BW sort of slowed down, and got raided, but didn’t raid back.

BW, at this stage, was instead building up its leadership, stabilizing, etc. A normal day was one you would come into the base, sit and talk, and do pretty much do nothing except recruit.

The next month, Mover came out with his annual Yearbook, which recorded the happenings of the year before. Dragon and Creed made a new website, which was the now famed BWSS (Black Warrior Story Site). More sitting occurred after this.

Eventually, BW’s members began to protest against this, and many famous arguments evolved out of it on the GB.

In a rage, suddenly, low and behold, BW’s founder, WC, jumped on Sherwood and made a massive rally of BW’s. His heart had only one intention; taking their old home back, and so, shoulder to shoulder with his Clan mates, BW prepared for the ultimate raid in its history.

SoT was slaughtered, plain as black and white.

Sherwood as a whole was shocked. Even Sherwood’s biggest fan site, the Daily Sherwood, was shocked. This raid and takeover was so stunning, that even the former BW, Lance, couldn’t grasp it at first. Everyone, seeing BW as a defensive clan, not offensive, hadn’t expected this in the least bit.

The takeover did not last though, as BW’s numbers declined. Over the next months, numbers declined, and even the Emerald BW was shut down, trekking back to base, BW was headed into another chapter.


The BWSS began doing well. More stories blustered, more authors, more readers. The news sites actually became like reading the news. Mover and others made videos. BW promoted their Clan like none other. Laggin smiled, Rico amped his activity, Tournaments where held, and the next line of people joined BW: among them, Snowman, Sonny, Brutal, Aqua, Zinc, Madden, Quinn, and others.

Sherwood hit its high of 1 million users and won the Popvox award. Sherwood overflowed with users. BW’s members bonded. The first Colonel Tournament is held. Sweet comes back to Sherwood. BW Trainer is installed and founded. Arctic, Storm, Valydr, Boa, and others joined.

But this chapter is short, as I defined what happened in a short manner what really happened in a long period of time, filled with many memories.


BW experienced a massive loss. Samuel quit Sherwood once and for all. Life went on like normal though. Things slowed down… then Creed joined the Army… Dragon and Ash quit… and eventually many others. Even Caesar retired.

UA increased raiding, although they ended up dying out later. BW started some raiding. The Daily Sherwood died. Sher-Flash died. Things were dying left and right.

And then, finally, Laggin stepped down, and handed the torch to Snake.

Snake’s computer broke and his reign was cut short. Storm was elected.

Storm then wasn’t the brightest Chief that we had ever had. What he was, however, was active and kind. He was a bit sloppy with disciplines, which led to some arguments, but he increased BW’s numbers three-fold. Storm had an extensive focus on raiding. Things went well in some departments, but others not so good. Storms reign did not last long but it was significant and showed something he was capable of. Three modestly famed sites were founded under his reign. BW power 5, BW hall of fame, and the BW tournament website. Many notable members joined before and after this, which include: Eek, Aero, a later Chief and former KO, Fudd, and others.

Arctic took the new task when Storm retired due to problems with his life.

THE SECOND (third?) BW vs. KO WAR

On 4/11/09, KO, after being dead for a long time, attacked BW. A couple weeks prior, KO had been remade by some old members, and gained new ones. Exile, now in his incarnation as BigSteel, was brought back V.I.A his MSN with a vengeance.

KO’s sole mission at that point was to take BW’s base, which resulted in failure. The first attempt was to sit in BW’s base and say it was their own. BW won the standoff.

BigSteel, on hearing the results, planned and launched a raid on BW’s base, whilst’ retaining the ‘Say it’s our base’ tactic; the raid, with BW clearly outnumbered and unprepared, resulted in massacre for the first hour of the fighting, on BW’s side. Storm and DrDoomsday eventually rallied BW to the bridge, in a line of defense. This caused things to even out. KO was now losing as many or even more than BW. BigSteel did not take this very easily, and launched charges at BW. The first one resulted in their own slaughter. The second was similar, but they had shaken up BW. Two more had to be used to break BW’s defensive line. After thirty minutes, BW was told to sit and not fight, which resulted in a hinted win for KO, in terms of raiding. Storm, an Ex-Chief at that time, had called a standstill for BW, which became apparent why, later. KO had obviously been brought on Sherwood at a specific time, and BW out-waited this. 30 Minutes after the raid, only four KO remained.

KO, yet again, failed. The day after, no attempt was made, other than a few KO sitting in BW’s base, making complete morons of themselves, saying it was their base by rights; however, after about an hour of BW dismissing this, they became quiet, as they found that BW’s minds where not being bent, thanks in part to various members, posting on the GB saying that this was to be expected.

By now, this new controversy had caught some attention from more popular players, whom came in and made their ‘opinions’ known. One of which was Paladin-Sir-Meed and Led-Zeppelin, whom said;

“So… the rumor is true. KO is playing Hobo.”

Another raid took place, (not as difficult as the first) which resulted in a tie. BigSteel, now choking on his own drink, he sat and thought for a while. Searching back in his past, he remembered someone; a hacker, by the name of WetBoy. WetBoy, given his job, first set off to find just who he could get the info from. The answer was Pink Skull, AKA Yang. She gave the info for unknown reasons, some speculate that it was for making a point of her distress about BW’s status, others speculated that WetBoy had cybersex with her (this is incorrect, though).

Unknown to BW at the time of Pinks treachery, BW buckled against this blow. When the site was hacked, it actually blew up in BigSteels face, in one way or another. A good amount of KO quit their clan because of this dishonorable act. A week later, BW got its site back.

Still treacherous to BW, pink found the new password, and gave it to WetBoy.

Arctic, after hitting some financial trouble and a car accident, he came on less and less. Arguing with Fudd, he eventually deemed himself not able to retain the duty as Chief, and the torch was passed down to Flame.

BW, believing KO could hack Freewebs sites, secretly built a new website:

Flames focus was training, and raiding more often. This gave KO a scare, and at one point, KO was completely locked out of the room. BigSteel, not aware of this event, lead a treacherous attack on its temporary ally, GOW. GOW, shocked, was left with its mouth hanging out. In revenge, they helped BW attack KO, and placed BW as neutral. They went to BW’s GB to talk about this, and received a harsh lesson learned from the first war. KO betrays, and wishes only to conquer Sherwood for itself. When GOW’s spokesman, Moxy, posted about it wanting to destroy KO and help BW do it, because “they make the game less enjoyable for everyone.” BW smiled, and agreed.

BW cleansed out their base the following Saturday, and KO finally busted. KO made room 84 their new base.

Sadly, Flame was unable to remain Chief, because of personal reasons. In a break down with another member, Dark Wolf, he left Sherwood and without choosing his successor. When Dark Wolf left, Naomi left, then Bish Fish (well, actually, she quit just before) and several others. This chain of reactions threatened to stamp a good portion of loyal members of BW out of existence. One by one, members quit in literally thirty minutes, leaving a scared-to-death Martin, a nearly broken down Arta-Vur, and two Privates. One was not seen again.

DrDoomsday came into the base, and upon finding it all, tried to calm BW down. Arta-Vur calmed down, just in time for Dark Wolf to come back into base. The former master and student argued, with most of BW backing DrDoomsday.

Dark Wolf, after taking massive criticism, opened her eyes, and sort of let her mind fall back into place, and she rejoined BW.

Angry with BW’s condition, DrDoomsday posted on the GB about some issues he believed needed addressing, and forced BW’s eyes to look at the light, and succeeded.

A day afterwards, the Laggin Debate started. Laggin, the former Chief, expressed his feelings for BW, believing that BW might actually be set straight with Flames leadership, but when he left, he believed BW was mere dirt and had no hope.

In a massive explosion, BW fired answers left and right at Laggin, and the debate went on for the next two days. Memnon was elected Chief, and the debate ended. For more info on that debate, send me an email at:

With Memnon elected Chief, BW’s numbers increased three-fold. Left and right, here and there, BW scrambled to recruit and brought back rich deposits of new recruits; Lilsean, Samba, Nimpth, and many, many others.

Memnons’ first works were fixing the council, and limiting it to four. Next, he fired all the Trainers, and kept one, DrDoomsday. The first week was a titanic success, and the next was yet again, a titanic success, if not more successful than the first. The training hour was introduced at this point, and it became yet again, another awesome success. Memnons Chiefdom seemed to shine the light to some thought no-one ever thought before, leaving a man on the castle rail thinking, “No longer do we break records. We set standards.”

As a matter a fact, this was predicted by the second Chief, Integrity. This is his last known post.

Lol, it's really annoying how people are still trying to post on this guestbook after it's been shut down for ages... and I have to keep cleaning up and hitting "deny post" over and over again... for crying out loud the new website Sam’s making's up already, and my last post said to look in the NEWS section... there's an article there saying that Sam's site is replacing this one. STOP TRYING TO POST ON THIS GUESTBOOK PEOPLE.

btw, 'bout Lloyd's rebellion... yeah Laggin and Sam have been showing some of their little bits of incompetence recently by not attending to complaints and instead waving them off and kicking person(s) (Lloyd and possibly others who are working with him? Idk I don't know the details... and I don't care to find out, I developed a severe case of apathy for BW ever since I was somewhat rudely ousted) out of BW for trying to get some new leadership into BW... lol, the hypocrisy! Not so long ago they kicked me out... it's not so bad getting some new leadership in every now and then... you just have to be kinda nice about it... like I’d have preferred it if u asked more nicely when you all wanted me out... and you should probably try listening when people have complaints. Oh well, BW's screwed, like I sorta’ predicted (though I hoped I was wrong for some time before realizing I was definitely right). BW may not necessarily die, but it won't prosper... at least not for a long time. (At least half a year) Note to Lloyd: stop trying to fix BW. After seeing how little kicking me out did, the powers-that-be are not eager to do it again... and for good reason. I don't see any new competent leader among BW's ranks that really will, in the long run, help BW more than the leaders now. The leaders now do care to keep BW alive. Just look at how Sam's actually bothering to plan out a website and put a lot of effort into structuring it out.

And no I'm not saying that I was so great and now BW's going to suffer since I left. BW wouldn't be doing any better if I hadn't left. I'm just saying BW will suffer - and I more or less always have known it will suffer - until some more eager folks show up. And then once they do, it'll still take a while before BW get's fixed. BW's growth and decline has always largely depended on new, eager, hard-working low ranks that work hard to climb the ranking ladder over a long period of time, and work hard WITHIN THE SYSTEM (as in not trying to throw out the top of the ladder). There has been somewhat of drop of new recruits that have committed to helping BW how they could without questioning authority lately. Not to say questioning authority is bad. I'm just saying the growth and decline of the folks that obey authority in BW has always depended on such new recruits as above stated.

And laggin... sorry man but you’re turning into another WC. You were right about the whole everybody doesn't understand WC thing... but unfortunately, the attitude you and WC have towards BW will never work out in the long run if it is implemented as you and WC have. You are not doing it enough to make it work (you need to commit to getting online more and more often. Stop lagging' on getting online between that once in a while you say "I'll get on every day for the next two weeks etc." - pardon the pun) but too much for others to implement their own plans successfully, because your plans are inconsistent with other people's (e.g. Lloyd's) and they completely contradict each other and cause nothing by confusion with the rules and who has power over what and whether or not people can rightfully choose to oust a leader...

omg I'm getting so carried away I should just stop writing now.

The link to that GB is here:

Integrity, the one we always believed was the worst Chief, made a darn good post and hit the money on it and spoke the truth.

In the following weeks, BW steadied, and walked along in a peaceful manner. Sapphire, once on fire with war, had finally settled down, and BW’s system started to repair after a couple of degrading lines of leadership. Fudd moved up in the ranks under the ever watchful eye of Valdyr and Memnon. Boa had reached Brigadier.

Memnon revamped the council. The new members weren’t just the active ones. They were the smart, the mature, and the few. Black Skull came back to Sherwood, and even came with a present. The best Forum BW has ever had to date. BW was slow with standing on two feet again like a civilized, well oiled, strong minded and powerful Clan, but gradually pulled itself up. The summer of 2009 had some effects though. BW slowed down and sped up several times. Active times and inactive times were common. A former BW, named Revan, rejoined.

After this BW became a standstill with it's Members.


Forward from this point is being recorded by DrDoomsday.

Last edited by DrDoomsday on Wed Oct 21, 2009 4:57 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : polishing)
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Post  Fudd Wed Oct 21, 2009 12:48 pm

Havent seen my name in it = fail.

i kid, i kid:p

But let me tell you some history....

Ages ago... when BW was hated by a lot of people, or just disliked by a lot of people. BW was just a target to raid for every clan. BW had a few allies as we all know, BW was even in some kind of 'coalition', though, to be honest it sucked.

BW was even allies with my first clan, The Night lords... the Night lords was a great clan, well disciplined, with great fighters.. etc. a worthy ally. In exiles view a threat for The Horde. So Exile had to finish them off....

() raided NL a lot... every day, hours long.... huge numbers on both sides (back then we didnt have a stupid room limit) But, after weeks, NL became weaker...... Exile noticed this, but needed a last war to destroy NL.

He asked WarriorChief to help the horde. WarriorChief said yes, and betrayed their ally!!

BW and () went to room 5 emerald server (NL base) to raid us. It was a huge war.... one of my longest wars I’ve ever been in. Lots of clans were there, hackers who just made everyone lag out.... WOA members, everyone you could imagine.

I fought there for 3 hours straight. It was very late in the night, and i had to go to bed. The next morning i woke up, I went to play Sherwood for 1 hour, before school started. I went to our base, and saw still a few people fighting.

After a while our own leader (Sephiroth) said that NL died.... all the old members left, and new clans started....

KO was just founded by Theitoftime and Bigsteel. And I, as a loner, needed a new clan. Lubu (one of bigsteel trainees) asked me for a fight, and after he killed me, he asked if I would like to join KO. Because I gave him a hard fight, it was fine with Bigsteel, who was just watching our fight.

My answer: Yes,

And since then... I've been with the Horde.

But, I've always been good friends with shaman, rico and samael, So I didnt really intend to (try to) destroy BW.
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Post  Black-Dragon Wed Oct 21, 2009 2:31 pm

Lol, no note that I rejoined BW in the last 5 setences, but some guy named Revan(A person I don't even know) does get mentioned? :S

Very good history!!

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Post  DrDoomsday Wed Oct 21, 2009 4:12 pm

Constructive criticism is good! The more facts I'm told the better! I said it wasn't polished. It's more of a rough draft. Fudd, you will be mentioned. Drag, you weren't back in BW when Revan joined. Keep bringing in facts.
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Post  Bloody Wed Oct 21, 2009 7:07 pm

I recruited Nimpt before mem became chief,and Nimpth quit BW before Mem became chief,so he shouldn't be mentioned.

And moving back to emmy should maybe be included?And *hint,hint* I was one of the few who made Flame+++ consider it.
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Post  DrDoomsday Wed Oct 21, 2009 7:11 pm

Sure, I'll include that and exlude Nimpth.
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Post  Black-Dragon Wed Oct 21, 2009 10:12 pm

Note that you said our base was 90 emerald in 1st time around part...

Altho I don't know that Revan guy, it's important that he rejoined, but not that I came back? :S That's just rude.

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Post  DrDoomsday Wed Oct 21, 2009 10:36 pm

I repeat. He came back into BW before you came back out of retirement. This was before Fudd became chief, and before Memnon left. That is being recorded. Sheez!
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Post  Áêrø Wed Oct 21, 2009 10:45 pm

Oh because i noticed there was nothing about me in there..Jew.

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Post  Bubbles Thu Oct 22, 2009 8:25 am

... and nimpth is my enermy... Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil
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Post  Black-Dragon Thu Oct 22, 2009 9:10 am

Fine, fine... But I rejoined too when Memnon was still Chief :S

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Post  Áêrø Thu Oct 22, 2009 10:35 am

I Became Active again When memnon was still cheif Tooooo Y'know

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